Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Speaking topics and preparing for the monologue

So the monologue preparation is on. If you don't know the topics which concern our B2 level, you can check the Candidate's guide available on the GVA website, or also check the summarised list here:

  • Personal identification
  • Home, residence and surroundings
  • Daily activities
  • Leisure and free time
  • The media
  • Family and social relationships
  • Health and sports
  • Education
  • Shopping
  • Food and diets
  • Public services
  • Language and communication
  • Environment
  • Politics and society

This is just a list with the titles of the topics, checking the Candidate's guide, you'll be able to see the details from each topic.

Moreover, you can download the exam sample of all levels on the same website and have a look at these Speaking tips and useful language that can help you create and perform your task. Good luck!

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