Thursday, February 2, 2017

Monologue and dialogue samples

As promised, here you'll find samples from previous exams. For the next mock exams, we'll focus on the monologues this time, so make sure you start preparing them: making mind maps, revising useful structures and lexis, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, etc., that you can use for each of the topics.

Remember to have a look at the useful language and the tips to do your best.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Keeping distance

Sometimes, we feel we need to keep distance from what we say. Maybe because we intend to say it as gossip, or perhaps we're not sure of the veracity of the facts. It may also be because we don't want to be given the authorship of the ideas we express.

For that reason, we have the expressions of distancing, which allow us all the possibilities above. As always, this is a matter of practice, so make sure you revise the activities included on the slides, corresponding to the exercises on the Grammar Bank on your Student's Books.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Would rather & It's (high) time

To finish with the unreal uses of past tenses, here you have the slides that cover how to use the expressions would rather and It's time.

Complete the activities on 5B Grammar Bank on page 149 and check the answers here. Remember that you'll find extra practice on the tab Further practice.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Conditionals and wishes

Expressing the idea of conditions to speak about future, realistic, unrealistic or imaginary consequences is very useful in English. And although is an extense area to deal with, everything's a matter of practice and being sure when and how to use them.

Make sure you revise the slides for better understanding and consolidation. When you're done, rewatch the fragments of The Big Bang Theory using the second conditional, this time for fun 😏

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Inversion is one of the many ways we can use to add emphasis. It's a nice way to give more strength to an idea as long as we don't overuse it. Check the slides I've prepared for you and have some practice here.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Annoying habits

Every one of us have their personal dislikes, these little things (although sometimes not so little) that really piss us off. They can be some sounds, people's attitudes, gestures and habits. And here in the picture above you can find some expressions to rant about them.

As this is way too common in our daily lives, TV has covered this issue in many occasions. Series like Friends (you can watch the video here) and How I met your Mother explored the topic in some of their episodes.

You can find a full episode on YouTube, "Spoiler Alert", in which the group realize their friends' most annoying flaws.

Speculation and deduction

This should be useful to you. It might help you revise how to make speculations by using some expressions other than maybe, perhaps or it's possible. The more varied your lexis is, the better. So make sure you give it a try.